If you are an Uber or taxi driver you want your phone to ring or more calls, we can help you to do that!

Key Points for Uxur Taxi Promotion

  • Legal Name Usage: All activities will be conducted under your legal name.
  • Leads Page: A dedicated leads page will be created to enhance conversion rates.
  • Lead Generation: Leads will be generated for phone calls or form submissions.
  • Classified Ads and Citations: A couple of classified ads and citations will be included.
  • Domain and Hosting: Domain name and hosting will be purchased under your name.
  • Setup Fee: The first payment is due upfront $200, and the second payment is required after you start generating revenue $250.
  • Setup Duration: A minimum of 30 days is required to set everything up.
  • Revenue Split: We charge 40%, and you keep 60% of the earnings, plus tips.
  • Library Card: A library card will be provided as part of the service.
  • Refund Policy: Your initial deposit is fully refundable.
  • Earnings Potential: Approximately $2,500 can be made per week.
  • Objective: Our goal is to keep your phone ringing.
  • Experience: We leverage over 15 years of experience to assist you.
  • Thinking about owning the leads page? It will require an investment of about 12 months of revenue generated by the page.
  • Please Share I Can Not Say That Enough!

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